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  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Go Retro (paper, tape) (on sale Mar 11) Artplay Palette Go Retro
Retro America 1 (on sale Mar 11) Retro America 1
Road Trip WordArt 1 (on sale Mar 11) Road Trip WordArt 1
Retro Glows 1 (on sale Mar 11) Retro Glows 1
Artplay Palette Arrive (b/g paper, label words) Artplay Palette Arrive
Artplay Palette Science (arrow brush) Artplay Palette Science
Artplay Palette Behold (wood stars) Artplay Palette Behold
Artplay Palette Across the Miles (tape, brush) Artplay Palette Across the Miles
FadedWords Travel 1 FadedWords Travel 1
Arrive WordArt 1 Arrive WordArt 1
Stained SkribbleSummer Stained SkribbleSummer
Urban Stitchez 4 Urban Stitchez 4
Artsy Stains 1 Artsy Stains 1
Taped Textures 1 Taped Textures 1

The Process

I downloaded a map of the US from the internet and imported it into Photoshop Elements 10. I created a new layer and using the polygonal lasso tool, I began tracing the shape of the states that I wanted to use. I filled the outline in with black using the paint bucket. Then I added new layer above, highlighted the layer icon in the layers menu of the state using the Command key while clicking on the icon (Mac) or CTRL and click on the layer icon (PC) and made a stroke, then offset it. Papers from AP Go Retro were clipped to the state shape and adjusted to show a variety of color and texture. Stained Skribbled Summer brushes were added and colored using the Artsy Stains. I added several TapedTextures and changed the blending mode to soft light and then duplicated the layers. Elements, retro glows, brush strokes, word art, journaling, stitchez were added to complete the page.
I added this to Standing O's! https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?p=476671#post476671
Such a fun way to tell the story and well deserving of Standing O's.
LOL! Miki, what a stunning page. Love the humor, the design, the fun elements, the journaling.......well... I guess I love everything :o)

Congrats on your very well deserved Standing O!!!

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Anna Aspnes
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